Barb Witt Ministries is a Christian, Word of faith teaching ministry based in Surrey, UK

With the prayers and support of partners and caring people we…

  • Are committed to teaching the uncompromised Word of God to people throughout the UK, Europe and the nations. Establishing them in the principles of faith, healing, love and laws of abundance in God’s Word, enabling them to grow into spiritual maturity, live in victory, overcome the circumstances of life and share these principles with others.
  • Teach believers the importance of giving God’s Word first place in their lives and a greater understanding of their authority, right-standing with God and the integrity of God’s Word.
  • Empower believers with a working knowledge of God’s Word in order to receive and enjoy our covenant rights and privileges, to live in the Blessing of God in order to be a blessing and influence the world around us with the goodness of God.
  • Bring believers to a place of spiritual maturity, taking them from the milk of God’s Word to solid food, skilful in the word of righteousness, from religion to revelation.
  • Conduct monthly Believers meetings.
  • Utilize the most current forms of technology and communication, as well as printed media to teach people how to apply the teachings of Jesus and the principles of faith to change their circumstances and live a victorious Christian life.
  • Support Missions/Outreaches

A tithe of this ministry goes to assist other ministries who support Israel in matters related to Biblical issues, the evangelism of Jewish people worldwide, provide humanitarian aid for Holocaust survivors and the impoverished Jews in Israel and abroad (Genesis 12:2-3).