Most Christians don’t know that healing, blessing, wisdom, speaking in tongues, favour and divine protection already belongs to them. We can’t receive and enjoy these benefits if we don’t know what God has already given us.
No hearing the Word of God=no believing=no faith to receive in these areas. God’s Word produces the faith for the things God has already given us. Then faith makes a demand based on the authority of God’s Word.
Organized religion has taught people to be passive. Most Christians believe that what they experience in life is all up to God and that they have no involvement. They believe if it is God’s will for them to have something—it will automatically happen—it will be instant and effortless. They are told, “God knows what’s best for you…and whatever happens…just be content…it must be God’s will…”
But in the Bible, God’s people were the believers—the receivers—the possessors. For example—the healing of Jairus’s daughter and the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5 and blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10.
Faith is not passive. Receiving is not passive. Faith is always moving forward—never retreating.
The New Covenant is a revelation that we are seated with Christ in heavenly places at the right hand of the Father. That is a truth that millions of people who sit in church every Sunday never hear. Once you are born-again, you are no longer a sinner and no longer unworthy. Jesus has made you worthy and He has made you righteous—to you can come boldly to Him and ask and receive.
Once you know from the Word of God what has already provided for you, it is time to possess it. He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness through the knowledge of Him (II Peter 1:3).
Let us therefore come BOLDLY unto the throne of grace, that we may OBTAIN…(Hebrews 4:16). Bold is not presumption, not arrogance, not brazen, not haughty. Boldness is confidence and courage because you know something.
Fight the good fight of faith, LAY HOLD…(I Timothy 6:12). We are not trying to wrestle something from the hand of God that He does not want us to have. With our faith, we are to possess what He has given.
One of the saddest stories in the Bible is found in Numbers 13. Upon their miraculous deliverance from slavery in Egypt, God had prepared a geographical land of abundance for His covenant people. A land that would provide more than they could ever need or want. This Promised Land is not a type of heaven but a type of victorious Christian living—now in this lifetime.
The sad part is, the first generation never possessed this land and never enjoyed what God had already provided for them. It was never the will of God for them to stay in the wilderness and die prematurely. This grieved God (Hebrews 3:17,19).
Just as it was God’s will for His people to possess and enjoy their inheritance thousands of years ago, it is still the will of God for us as born-again believers to possess what He has already provided in Jesus.
By faith you are really saved— you can be really healed and really blessed—by faith!